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Women's Day Collection.

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Orlando Store

Did you know we also have a store in Orlando, FL?

We offer free delivery for addresses witnin 15 miles radius of International Drive.

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  • Free Shipping for Orlando, FL locations

    Enjoy free shipping when your delivery address is within 15 miles radius of our I-Drive Orlando Store.

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  • Installment Plan

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  • Fast Delivery

    We offer options to get your most loved items as quickly as possible to you. You can choose from: Same Day Free Delivery (for Orlando area), Express Delivery - 2 business days. Standard Delivery - 3 - 8 business days.

  • Wedding Packages Orlando, FL

    Wedding Packages Orlando, FL

    * * ONLY ORLANDO AREA *. I Created 15 coupons for Wedding Decoration, The first 15 people only. Book your appointment today at 407-445-8162  1. Ceremony flowers2. Reception flowers3. Bride package All...

    Wedding Packages Orlando, FL

    * * ONLY ORLANDO AREA *. I Created 15 coupons for Wedding Decoration, The first 15 people only. Book your appointment today at 407-445-8162  1. Ceremony flowers2. Reception flowers3. Bride package All...

  • 4 Seasons Inauguration

    4 Seasons Inauguration

    Flowers have the unique power to bring happiness to all environments where they are displayed and they also fill our hearts with joy.  Floral artist Tony Linard has more than...

    4 Seasons Inauguration

    Flowers have the unique power to bring happiness to all environments where they are displayed and they also fill our hearts with joy.  Floral artist Tony Linard has more than...

  • Wedding Flowers Desgin for Diego & Richard

    Wedding Flowers Desgin for Diego & Richard

    I had a chance to do they wedding flower design. Thank you Diego & Richard for the opportunity to serve you on your big day ♥️💍🌹.  

    Wedding Flowers Desgin for Diego & Richard

    I had a chance to do they wedding flower design. Thank you Diego & Richard for the opportunity to serve you on your big day ♥️💍🌹.  

  • Season of Love

    Season of Love

    This beautiful gift basket comes with red roses, a stuffed pink teddy bear and delicate baby breath flowers. 

    Season of Love

    This beautiful gift basket comes with red roses, a stuffed pink teddy bear and delicate baby breath flowers. 

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